We make out own constellations — A poetry

Heer Suhandani
1 min readOct 29, 2020


[2020/10/25 00:08pm]
Im down, staring at the night sky.
Finding the star who I named.
But within the majestic sky, it seems like a small entity
Just like me, isn’t it?

But does one star illuminate the dark?
But would it be peaceful to count the stars if there were only one?
We still glare, and we try finding more stars, don't we?

I always wondered,
Aren't constellations themselves a figment of imagination?

It's the mind who signifies beauty.
So I am finding my own stars, I'm making my own constellations.
The stars are aligning just for us, to feel at peace.
Because no matter where I am, within those maps I'll find my home, my people.

-Heer Suhandani

Piled up some of my favourite questions in a night, and the stars answered them by morning.

If you’ve been reading so far, thank you so much.

For more such poetries, follow me on @thepoetichue on IG or follow me on medium!

