me and my journey with sports

Heer Suhandani
3 min readDec 20, 2022


ive never been a sports person. i didn’t shout on goals and sixes, i didnt pray for a random player who i don’t know more than the surface to win and felt proud, i had never celebrated with a team and felt the loss for the other.
missing out on all of the good parts, all of the adrenaline, until i found by some miracle, watching cricket. it became an experience more than a show on television.

i started seeing how watching cricket brought smiles on the faces of people i deeply adored. i started seeing how the joy of winning and the sense of losing brought people together, i started seeing humanity in the way the winners treated the ones who lost a match, i started seeing journeys of players who started from level 1 and reached heights one couldn’t measure, i started seeing journeys of people who gained so much respect, love, adoration, for simply existing and doing what they love.
and if I’m being honest, it’s one of the most beautiful things to exist. to have passion, to share the love for a sport that reunites all.

bhaiya. he tried a lot to get me into football, and i did a good job knowing all i could. but 18 fucking December 2022, FIFA World Cup final, pretty much turned the tables, for me and my opinions too.
rollercoaster of emotions is an understatement to the amount of pressure that single game gave me. the pressure building up on every single player, can’t even fucking imagine.
to be able to support a legend who has dedicated his life to a sport, which stems his pride, his fame & his whole life. to be able to be happy for him and terrified nearly as he was. even after experiencing all that, putting it into words is so complex. every single second was more intense than the last. every announcement and every whistle felt like an alarm. every net buffer was abused, every missed shot and hit shot was expressed, loudly. very loudly lol.
it’s just you never imagine that a group of people you don’t know are the ones you’re rooting for. it’s so freaking cool how these guys hardly know each other, yet Teamwork and the same goals bring them together. their passion, their love for the sport brings them together. they win, they make a legends’ tribute, make people throughout the world smile, laugh, jump and celebrate.
the worst part about it tho? for someone to win, the other has to lose. the other side, the people who were shining with hopes of a win, mourn the absence of it. when i saw how hard they tried, every single effort they made me feel proud that they didn’t give up. that they kept going. and somehow, i feel proud. i feel proud on a personal level for people who’ve never been close to me.
so thank you.
thank you to the people who forced me to watch the match.
i think it changed something in me.
I think it taught me something today.
and i am forever grateful i got to see all of it.
love and light always ✨

