Believing in miracles.

Heer Suhandani
2 min readNov 17, 2021


I want you to believe, I want you to believe in miracles. I want you to know that sometimes the game is not about odds. Sometimes when the result is worth it, you try even though the work is impossible. Sometimes its not about success, it’s about how you value it.

You think you will have other chances, you think you’ll have an opportunity, but you don’t. And even if there is, it won’t be worth it. There is voice of faith, a power, that goes beyond all the rationalities, that goes beyond the fears. All you need to do is listen to that voice.

Sometimes we dissappear when the pain gets too much, sometimes we see a flashback when the reality sucks. But that voice of belief, always stays, reminding you that even within the day, there is still a possibility of finding a star, it believes in miracles.

And maybe it’s right to wait, to wait for that star to appear. Because you would stick there beyond all rationalities, because your heart says so.

So, Hold on. Hold on to whatever lets you stick. Because that gives you time, that gives your faith time, to create miracles.
To all those who liked my small little piece, I got inspiration to write this from Grey’s Anatomy, in the episode where Meredith drowns, and i cried my eyes out, but I don’t regret a moment of it.
Thank you so much for reading so far.
All writings above are solely by me, please do not use without credits.
If you really like what I write, please comment something sweet, it makes my whole week, and if seeing this inspired you anyhow, please share with as many people as you can.

